Freemasons’ Fidelity Tartan
The Freemasons’ Fidelity Tartan is intended for use by Blue Lodge Freemasons worldwide. Go to the Products & Links page for access to exclusive merchandise, upcoming releases, and promotional opportunities.
The design alludes to the symbols of Freemasonry for Lodge, formal, and public applications by referencing elements of the Craft. While some of the symbols of Freemasonry have meanings that can only be obtained within a tiled Lodge, elements like the Plumb, the Level, and the Square are publicly recognized. The design displays allegorical representations of the Craft in an asymmetrical set of patterns divided into four unique spaces. This alludes to the duality of our natural rough or unfinished state and the resulting process of becoming square in Freemasonry.
The four unique patterned areas hold allegorical significance within each set of black & white accent lines. The first section of the design represents the Masonic journey from darkness to light. The pattern draws from a dark rich color of blue at the edges to a brighter tone of blue at the center. Light radiates out from the center, emanating towards the dark edge. The design also provides a reference to the directional aspects of Freemasonry found in the North, South, East, and West.

The second section of vertical patterns represents the three degrees of Freemasonry. The Entered Apprentice Degree is found at each vertical edge in the single checkered dark blue patterns and white accent lines. The Fellowcraft Degree is represented by the lighter pair of checkered blue patterns containing the vertical set of light blue & black lines. The Master Mason Degree is represented by the three central checkered blue patterns containing the two vertical light blue lines.
The third section of horizontal patterns represents existence as described throughout the Masonic lectures, expressed by the hermetic phrase “as above, so below.” The trinity of Faith, Hope, & Charity, the stages of life, the Masonic funeral rites, and the allegory of Jacob’s Ladder each address these divisions. The pattern reflects across itself from the world above, to the Earthly plain, to the world below.

The fourth section of the pattern represents the Plumb, the Level, and the Square. The vertical pair of light blue & black lines denotes the Plumbline of Rectitude. The horizontal pair of light blue & black lines illustrates the Level of Equality. The nexus of these symbols forms the Square of Virtue. The Square is duplicated in 90° sections, creating a 360° radiant or all-encompassing Masonic landmark. The checkered background of alternating blue tones is circumscribed within darker shades to display how the instruments of Freemasonry necessarily draw our attention towards light.
The black & white pairs of lines that divide each section are representative of the Mosaic Pavement of Freemasonry. The pattern is a simple and reserved checkered accent that brings order to the design. Each black & white cross-section is set within the darkest tone of blue and the mosaic only achieves true color within this small area of the pattern, where the light and the darkness find balance.
Fidelity Tartan restricts the for-profit, goods, products, or charitable use of the Freemasons’ Fidelity Tartan design under the recognition of The Scottish Registry of Tartans and authority under the U.S. Copyright holder.
Please visit the Concept & Creation section of the website for more information, visit the Contact page or email fidelitytartan@gmail.com